Montessori at Home
Math and Language Arts

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Let's get you started...

Math Kits - Physical and Digital

Get Math Kit I

Math Kits for 4-8 year olds

Get Fractions Kit

Fractions for 5-12 year olds

Get Math Kit II

Math Kits for 9-13 year olds

Language Arts Kits - Physical and Digital

Language Arts A
Get Language Arts Kit A

Language Arts Kit A for 3-6 year olds

Language Arts B
Get Language Arts Kit B

Language Arts Kit B for 6-9 year olds

We Feel Your Pain...

A Short Intro to ShillerLearning by Founder Larry Shiller

I'm too busy to do lesson preparation.

Our scripted lessons means ZERO lesson prep time.
"What?! No more hours watching online videos on how to "present" the Montessori materials to my kids?! Just read what's in quotes?! YES! I could do this!" - Pam Collins

My kids complain about math. (I do, too.)

Multisensory lessons include singing, dancing, playing with proven, Montessori-based manipulatives.
"Our math allergy has disappeared! We can go at our own pace and enjoy the game-like activities and the silly songs that are building confidence in my daughter (and me) that math isn't so tough after all!" - Choosy Homeschooler

I want Montessori because I heard it's amazing. But I don't know anything about Montessori.

Montessori language, activities, and philosophy are woven into the curriculum. No study required!
"I did ping the local conventional and one international Montessori homeschooling newsgroup about ShillerLearning... those that have used ShillerLearning think it is a "God Send!" (direct quote)" - Monica Gandara

I have four kids. My curriculum cost is skyrocketing. I want ShillerLearning but am afraid I can't afford it.

We got you: One kit works for ALL CHILDREN in the family. Your cost will be less than $29/year/child.
"I've really appreciated being able to use the same kit with multiple children, it's saved me time, stress and money!" - Emma Jones

I want to switch into ShillerLearning but don't know where to start.

Our comprehensive diagnostic tests identify every hole in your child's math and language arts knowledge and ability - and place them exactly where they need to be.
"Things are going great since we switched our math curriculum to ShillerLearning. Bryan has struggled with math up until this time, but now it seems to be one of his favorite subjects. I can 't believe the change! He even enjoys taking the diagnostic tests. I especially like how the activities associated with each specific question on the tests are identified." - Vicky Kapyran

OK but I already have a bunch of manipulatives and don't want to pay for what I don't need.

Get our digital kits. They include all lesson plans, songs, and printable manipulatives. You'll save big time.
"Thank you so much for adding the whole book downloads to ShillerLearning! We have been using Shiller for about 3 1/2 years and LOVE the program. Mom is even getting better at math. It is such a time saver to download the whole book and be done! ShillerLearning is truly the best program out there and now it is the easiest too." - Jill Perrin

Trusted, Fun, Convenient!

Wouldn't you like your children to be 'addicted to learning'?
"Choosing ShillerLearning was the best decision we ever made for our children - and us." - Jory L. La Costa, CA

Let's Watch Some Videos...

ShillerLearning: Teaching Kids "Number Sense & Estimation" with Montessori.
ShillerLearning: 7 Ways to Use Montessori!

Challenging and Fun... Even for me!

I never expected math to be my daughter's favorite subject
or to be a source of confidence for her.

- Jane S. Townsend

ShillerLearning was the only program that could hold my son's interest

ShillerLearning has opened up a whole new way of learning for us. It is an amazing addition to our homeschooling life. Our son won't stop testing us on math!

- Emma Jones

What is ShillerLearning

ShillerLearning is the premiere homeschool publisher of preK - 8th grade Montessori-based curriculum kits.

ShillerLearning's money-saving multi-year kits build a lifelong foundation in math and language arts while protecting your pocketbook.

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Why ShillerLearning?

Proven: Montessori-Based

Multisensory with Catchy Songs

Our Montessori-based curricula is more effective than other non-Montessori-based curricula because it recognizes that children have four primary learning styles:

Nerves that connect to the brain


Reading and viewing pictures from a lesson book

The retina and optic nerve


Playing with manipulatives

Nerve cells in the skin

Listening and singing to music

Auditory nerve


Moving the body

Nerve cells deep in the muscles

  • Each learning style reaches a different part of the brain, buildng important connections and long memories. This is why ShillerLearning students attain deeper understanding, longer retention, and a solid foundation.
  • Our songs are fully integrated into the curriculum. Children - and surprisingly, parents - love them. Take a listen!

Works for All Students

  • Every student is unique: ShillerLearning meets that child wherever they are in their learning journey.
  • With our unique 2C approach, your child will master every lesson, achieving both Competency and Closure, and allowing each student to work at his or her own pace and using their specific abilities and knowledge to progress, without the anxiety and stress that so often accompany learning.
  • That's why ShillerLearning works so effectively for all students. And why so many parents have found ShillerLearning to be the only curriculum they'll ever need for their family.

We've Been Helping Homeschool Families Like Yours for 15 Years

  • Since we started out 15 years ago, homeschoolers everywhere have come to love ShillerLearning. Dozens of independent reviews at top homeschooling blogs and magazines show why.
  • Google us to see the amazing results kids parents have achieved with ShillerLearning.
  • Or see selections from thousands of rave customer reviews.

Designed for Homeschool

Pinpoint Placement Testing

Wouldn't it be great if you could:

  • Pinpoint the exact holes that exist in a child's understanding; and
  • Do the exact lessons to fill those holes?
  • That's what our industry-leading diagnostic testing does: The exact lessons to complete are shown for each incorrect answer.
  • And that's why ShillerLearning students score so well on standardized testing that is becoming the norm in middle schools. They'll be far ahead of other kids because ShillerLearning has the concepts, tools, and approaches to make learning fun and rewarding.
  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Tests are included with every kit purchase.

Beautiful, High-Quality, and Long-Lasting Manipulatives

  • High quality materials and workmanship are the hallmarks of ShillerLearning Montessori-based manipulatives. You and your child will appreciate the color, functionality, and sturdiness of each and every manipulative.
  • Lesson books are beautifully printed in four colors, with sturdy covers and heavyweight pages, that lay flat for use anywhere.
  • Kids love to sing and dance to the songs written for ShillerLearning by the renowned Ron Brown. Enjoy The Fiddle Man, one of over 100 ShillerLearning songs.
  • ShillerLearning provides everything you need for a long-living, comprehensive, and Montessori-based home study curriculum.

Unparalleled Customer Support

  • We're with you every step of the way. When you purchase a ShillerLearning kit, you get free and timely access to the legendary ShillerLearning support team by phone or email for every question or issue, no matter how small.
  • Our customer support is world famous: It's the same level of quality that you'd expect at a 5-star hotel.
  • What our customers have to say

Time-Saving Open & Go

You're already busy. We make sure you don't get even busier.

Zero Lesson Preparation: All Lessons are Scripted

  • Imagine a math curriculum where you don't need to spend a minute preparing for a lesson.
  • With ShillerLearning, parents don't need to know Montessori or math. There's ZERO lesson preparation time: everything you need to say is in quotes and complete instructions are provided for every lesson.
  • Most other sets of curricula require time-wasting, mind-numbing videos or texts before teaching - and learning - can begin. Not ShillerLearning: It's Open & Go.
  • See for yourself. Check out these sample lessons from each of our books: Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5 Book 6 Book F

Multi-Year Kits Have Everything You Need

Every ShillerLearning kit includes all materials you and your child need to achieve learning success. And there's no more stressful, annual shopping from store to store or convention to convention for curricula. With ShillerLearning, it's all there.

  • Carefully structured and eye-pleasing lessons and activities See free sample lessons from Book 2
  • Corny (but catchy) songs that integrate directly with the curriculum Enjoy Alien Even and Odd, one of over 100 ShillerLearning songs
  • Comprehensive diagnostic tests that identify and fill holes in your child's knowledge.
  • A complete set of manipulatives: Objects that students play with to explore, discover, and cement important principles
  • QuickStart Educator Guide
  • FREE toll-free phone (888-556-MATH) and email support


One Kit Serves Every Child in the Family

  • Once you invest in a ShillerLearning kit, it's good for all the children in your family. Our lifetime manipulatives stand the test of time, even for families with five or more children. Why waste money for a new curriculum for each child?

Free Consumable Downloads

  • Whether you have one child or ten, every child has a personalized lesson plan because every ShillerLearning kit includes free lifetime replacement of consumable lessons.

Download Kit Option

  • Already have Montessori manipulatives? Choose our download kit option and save. Get all the lesson books, answer guides, worksheets, manipulative printouts, and mp3 songs in a convenient download for a fraction of the cost.

How the Program Works

Children build a broad and deep math foundation with trusted Montessori-based manipulatives, lessons, and songs. And there's zero lesson preparation for parents. A homeschool parent's dream!

Learn new concepts using Montessori's proven Three Period Lesson.

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Use all the senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile) to deeply understand the concept.

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Apply new knowledge with puzzles, games, and multisensory activities.

View Sample

Prescriptive tests pinpoint holes and the lessons to fix them.

View Sample

Review of ShillerLearning Benefits

  • Montessori-Based
  • Multisensory with Catchy Songs
  • Work for All Students
  • Beautiful, High-Quality, and Long-Lasting Manipulatives
  • Unparalleled Customer Support
  • Zero Lesson Preparation:All Lessons are Scripted
  • One Kit Serves Every Child in the Family
  • Free Consumable Downloads Options

Math Kit I

Math Kit I

  • Scripted lessons guide you through each lesson, with zero lesson preparation
  • Beautiful, varied, and lifetime manipulatives capture children's continuing interest
  • Children (and parents!) love the dozens of catchy songs that integrate with lessons
  • Multi-year kits ensure a consistent and money-saving experience
  • Lifetime consumable lesson replacement - 1 kit is all you need for the entire family

Kit I Contents:

Three full-color, wire-bound, lay-flat lesson books with PDF answer guides

Over a dozen beautiful manipulatives, including a balance, number cards, number tiles, foam ball, dominoes, a US/metric ruler, wooden shapes, dice, measuring cups, and operator cards

A full set of Montessori decimal material, including 100 unit cubes, 27 ten rods, 27 hundred rod, and 17 thousand cubes (1 plastic and 16 cardboard) along with a convenient, wooden decimal tray

Parent guide, lesson and diagnostic test tracking sheets, and an audio CD with 25 catchy songs that integrate directly with the lessons

Lifetime consumable replacement license for all children of one generation in the family

Complete 5-Year Math Kit I

Try It RISK-FREE for 30 Days!

Money Back Guarantee.

Simply the Best There Is


Educator Designed

Parent Approved

Parents, blogs, and magazines recognize ShillerLearning as one of the top, most effective, and most kid-loved math programs your hard-earned money can buy

The World's Boldest Homeschool Guarantee:

Improve By One Grade Level in the Next 30 Days

Money Back Guarantee

See a grade level boost in your child's math or language arts skills in 30 days - guaranteed! If your child is not transformed into a more confident student within 30 days, send back the kit and we'll return your money.

"My kids are excited and constantly testing us math questions! It's helped them excel and comprehend other subjects, especially those containing practical logic"

-Johnny & Jessica, customers

Math Kits

Get Math Kit I

Math Kits for 4-8 year olds

Get Fractions Kit

Fractions for 5-12 year olds

Get Math Kit II

Math Kits for 9-13 year olds

Language Arts Kits

Language Arts A
Get Language Arts Kit A

Language Arts Kit A for 3-6 year olds

Language Arts B
Get Language Arts Kit B

Language Arts Kit B for 6-9 year olds